Essay Manuals

Planning Your Writing Process: Easy Tips For Making an Intro Paragraph

When planning your writing process it is important to give extra thought to your introductory paragraph. This introduction is so important because it sets the tone for the paper, presents crucial information, and outlines what you intend to discuss through the essay. Below are some easy tips on how to prepare your introduction:

  1. Pick a Strong Topic

    Picking a strong topic is important when beginning any paper. You will want to keep your interest in the subject, as well as grasp the attentions of your readers. Choosing your topic carefully, considering your audience and the assignment, will help guarantee your success. Also, a strong topic will have plenty of research available. This will abundance of information will make for a stronger introduction to your essay.

  2. Complete Your Research

    After selecting your topic, you are ready to dive into the research process. Make sure to get the full background information on your topic because this is important to present to your readers in the introduction. You are looking for scholarly reputable sources that will strengthen the point you intend to prove.

  3. Remember Important Elements

    Lastly, remember the important elements that are crucial to a successful introduction to your essay. All introductions must have a hook, background information, and a thesis statement.

    • -Hook: The hook is the first thing presented in your paper. It starts off your introduction and functions to grasp the attentions of your readers. You want to “hook” them in, and keep them reading. Some commonly used hooks are a relevant anecdote, an interesting statistic, or anything other piece of pertinent information that can catch the readers’ attentions.
    • -Background: Once you have hooked your reader in, you will be ready to present background information. This is the information that will serve as a foundation for understanding the paper. Present to your readers any information that is necessary to understand your topic, argument or research.
    • -Thesis Statement: After grabbing your readers’ attentions and presenting them with the important background information, you will present your thesis statement. The thesis statement is a brief glimpse of what your entire paper will discuss. The thesis should present the topic or point you intend to discuss, and what main points you intend to make on the topic. The thesis will state your purpose, and then transition into the first main point of your paper.

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