Essay Manuals

Top 20 Simple Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

If you are looking for the top 20 simple persuasive essay topics for high school students then read over the list below:

  1. While text messaging is considered a great way to communicate with others there are many who think that people now waste far too much time communicating via a phone or computer rather than communicating in person. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this.
  2. Some people think that science fiction is a way to escape from your problems and avoid reality.
  3. In 2010 an act was put into place to stop anyone under 21 from getting a credit card on their own.
  4. Explain in essay form why you think you should get a raise. In this instance you should write to a boss.
  5. Many reality television shows do not resemble real life at all.
  6. Online education is more effective and convenient for students and teachers alike.
  7. Some teachers want to replace traditional letter grades with a simple pass/fail system when it comes to evaluating the performance of students. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this using your personal school experiences.
  8. Laws need to be enforced that limit the amount of bonuses a CEO can be given if that company is in debt or losing money. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this using one company as an example.
  9. Teachers in many schools now have the legal right to conduct random backpack and locker inspections for students.
  10. Explain why you think a reform of English spelling should or should not be done to make each sound represented by a single letter.
  11. Because electric cars are quite expensive and do not actually protect the environment the government subsidies given to consumers and manufacturers should be stopped. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this with an example of one type of vehicle that is currently supported by a government subsidy.
  12. Friday classes need to be eliminated for schools to save money and fuel.
  13. Dropping out of high school to get a job is not a good idea. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this.
  14. There should be a mandatory retirement age so that young people have more job opportunities.
  15. Recycling is not always cost effective and projects that do not pay for themselves should be stopped. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this.
  16. Snack machines should be removed from high school campuses.
  17. Uniforms should be required in middle school and high school. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this.
  18. Employees should require exercise in the office.
  19. Homeless shelters should be created for families and individuals at the expense of the government. Explain why you agree with this or disagree with this.
  20. Naps should be encouraged in the workplace and school.

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