Essay Manuals

How do you write a college essay without putting much effort?

If you want to write a college essay without putting much effort into it you will need to first pick a topic you like. Even if you are assigned a topic try and find an angle you actually care about. Having an interest in the topic will make the process much easier for you and much more enjoyable.

Figure Out Your Thesis

After this you want to figure out your thesis or topic. Every paper needs a central point around which the argument is based. You might be researching a topic or persuading a reader that your side of an argument is better. In any case you should free up your head space so that you can focus only on your essay and write down potential topics (unless of course your exact topic is assigned in which case you can skip this step).

Make sure you write down a central theme or topic in terms that can be easily understood by everyone. Discuss your topic with your teacher if you are unsure or hesitant. But do this early on rather than the night before it is due.


You want to plan your writing for maximum efficiency. Identify the tasks that you have to do in order to complete the essay. Try and estimate the amount of time each one will take. List your to-do items in order from most important to least important so that you get the important things done first. Write down any milestones or start dates. Make sure you give yourself an accurate estimate. Don’t think you can get all of your research and writing done in a two hour lunch break if your paper is ten pages. Give yourself reasonable milestones and to-do notes so that you can actually complete them on time.

Make maximum use of your resources including the library. If you have a lot of research to do on a topic that was assigned to everyone in your class then chances are every other student will be vying for the same resources at the same library. So try and get in there early and make copies of the pages you might need so that you are not left waiting for a student to return the same book you need; you never know how long they will take to finish reading it. If you can use a less-popular library or a larger library with multiple copies of the same book it will save you a lot of time too.

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